Call For Papers and Other Submissions

IEEE SSCI is widely recognized for cultivating the interchange of state-of-the-art theories and sophisticated algorithms within the broad realm of Computational Intelligence Applications. The Symposia provide for cross-pollination of research concepts, fostering an environment that facilitates future inter and intra collaborations.

The 2025 event marks a significant milestone in the evolution of IEEE SSCI, launching the newly restructured biennial Symposia Series featuring ten dedicated Applied Computational Intelligence Symposia:

IEEE SSCI 2025, hosted in Trondheim, Norway - a city seamlessly blending historical richness with innovative progress - brings IEEE SSCI to a stunning winter location, for skiers and non-skiers alike. Longer days and milder winter weather, together with the chance to see the Northern Lights., provides the perfect timing for a visit to Norway. Trondheim's small downtown area provides easy walking distance from the Venue to attractions, shopping, restaurants - from fast food to Michelin star - and sport activities.

We, the Organising Committee, are thrilled to extend a heartfelt invitation to academia, industry, and government agencies alike, to actively participate in presentations and discussions in Trondheim that will play a pivotal role in shaping the trajectory of Applied Computational Intelligence. The conference program is set to showcase a vibrant lineup, including plenary and keynote addresses, oral and poster presentations, industry events, engaging panels, insightful workshops, instructive tutorials, and stimulating competitions. For additional information, please visit the conference website at

Your participation is invaluable, and we look forward to welcoming a diverse and dynamic community to contribute to the success of both the relaunch of IEEE SSCI and the 2025 event.

We welcome both computational intelligence researchers and domain experts to make submissions. The following types of submissions are allowed:

  • Full papers: complete papers describing your novel research in full, for publication in the symposia proceedings.
  • Short papers: papers with novel insights, approaches or ideas which may not have been fully tested yet, for publication in the symposia companion proceedings.
  • Late breaking papers: extended abstracts with a "prequel" to provoke novel conversations for future work or ideas to emerge, or with a "sequel" to a prior research contribution, or with a discussion to alert the community of important topics that may not yet have received sufficient attention, or with an original discussion or critique of existing methodologies. These are for poster presentation at the conference but not to be included in the proceedings. Authors of accepted late breaking papers will be given the option to have their papers linked from the SSCI page under a section corresponding to the symposium if they upload their paper to a preprint repository (e.g., ArXiv).
  • Abstract (poster-only) submission: abstracts for poster presentation at the conference but not to be included in the proceedings. These may involve, e.g., novel insights, or new ideas which may not have been fully tested yet, or presentation of challenges posed by a given domain that could benefit from computational intelligence.
  • Journal to conference (J2C): submissions of papers accepted at IEEE Transactions journals sponsored by CIS and first appeared in IEEEXplore within the past 2 years, for presentation at the conference but not to be included in the conference proceedings.
For more instructions on each kind of submission including page limitations and submission format, please see submission instructions.

Download Call for Papers and Abstracts