Call for Competitions

Competitions present a unique opportunity to compare diverse solutions to a problem and ignite discussions on topics related to one or more symposia in SCCI 2025. We invite competition proposals from the community (including Government) and industry.

General Rules for Arranging Competitions

  • The proposers need to fill out the proposal format (attached below) and send it to the competition chairs: (contact: Kazi Shah Nawaz Ripon (kazi.ripon[at] and Changshing Lee (changshing.lee[at]
  • Competitions can be SSCI-wide or can be related to a specific symposium.
  • SSCI/Symposia competitions can have sponsors. The sponsors must be declared in the proposals or approved separately by the General Chair(s) or Competition Chair(s).
  • The General Chair(s) will accept or reject the competition proposals by consulting with the Program Chair(s)/Competition Chair(s).
  • Accepted competitions will be listed on the conference website. However, once accepted, competition organizers are responsible for publicity, maintaining the website, setting up the submission system, and answering participant questions.
  • SSCI will provide winning certificates. Competition organizers can offer small prizes as per IEEE CIS guidelines.
  • While adopting the competition guidelines (below) is encouraged, we are also open to considering other formats. If the proposers have ideas, please contact the Competitions Chair(s) to discuss them.

Important Dates

Submission deadline (Competition proposals): 31st July 2024
Notification of acceptance (Competition proposals): 15th August 2024 (Proposals received early will get early notifications)
Submission deadline (Competition participants): 10th January
Notification of acceptance (Competition participants): 20th January
Early registration deadline (for competition attendees ONLY): 27th January

Competition Guidelines

  • Competitions require participants to solve CIS-related tasks using software.
  • The participants must submit a description of their method for solving the task, initial results, and source codes to the related competition organizers.
  • Accepted participants will have to run and demonstrate the software at the conference, in order to be considered an eligible entry.
  • The competition organizers will evaluate and rank the submission according to the evaluation criteria submitted with the competition proposal and approved by the SSCI-2025.
  • The GC(s)/PC(s)/SC(s) will evaluate the ranking and accept/reject for demonstration during the SSCI-2025.
  • During the demonstration, the methods and solutions will be evaluated by multiple juries.
    1. The competition organizers are responsible for selecting the jury panel.
      • To serve as a jury, s/he should have a similar experience/background to an SSCI-2025 reviewer
      • The SC (s) must approve the list of juries before the competition during SSCI-2025.
    2. After the demonstrations conclude, the jury announces the competition winner.
      • The juries will evaluate and rank the demonstrations based on the weights(points) already assigned by the competition organizers and the total weight(points) provided by each jury.
      • In the event of equal ranking, the total points from each jury will decide the winner. If still tied, the competition organizer(s) and juries will reach a consensus.
      • If still tied, the Symposium Chair(s) will decide the winner based on consensus and current rankings.


Competition Chairs:
  • Kazi Shah Nawaz Ripon (Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway), Email: kazi.ripon[at]
  • Chang-Shing Lee (National University of Tainan, Taiwan), Email: changshing.lee[at]

Please download and fill out the proposal format and send it to the competition chairs

Download Call for Competition SSCI 2025

Download SSCI 2025 Proposal Format Template